
Member since ‎Dec 12, 2017
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Sébastien Chronogolf

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arinker on June 21, 2018
**For customers with multilingual sites it's a must to allow a/b testing for pages with translations.** The actual solution recommended by the HubSpot support is an evil hack around that undermines all developers efforts to provide easy to use mult read more
November 06, 2018
+1 ... I realized we can't A/B test on translated page after finishing my website. That's more than a real blocker Hubspot, please implement that more
karl on April 27, 2017
It would be really nice If I could use HubSpots A/B testing functionality on my translated landing pages. Right now I can't run any because all of my pages are in 2 languages.
November 06, 2018
+1 ... I realized we can't A/B test on translated page after finishing my website. That's more than a real blocker Hubspot, please deliver that more
arinker on June 21, 2018
**For customers with multilingual sites it's a must to allow a/b testing for pages with translations.** The actual solution recommended by the HubSpot support is an evil hack around that undermines all developers efforts to provide easy to use mult read more
November 06, 2018
+1 ... I realized we can't A/B test on translated page after finishing my website. That's more than a real blocker Hubspot, please implement that more
Szed on August 16, 2018
Hi there, i'm trying to start building our new website through Hubspot. I want to work on local files, then upload with Filezilla (I work on a staging domain name on hubspot). Right now i have a few things blocking me before i have even starting read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
August 16, 2018
I find a solution. I created my folder from Hubspot, but not inside the Coded Files or Template folder. Directly of the root of the new FTP. On more
Szed on August 16, 2018
Hi there, i'm trying to start building our new website through Hubspot. I want to work on local files, then upload with Filezilla (I work on a staging domain name on hubspot). Right now i have a few things blocking me before i have even starting read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
August 16, 2018
I find a solution. I created my folder from Hubspot, but not inside the Coded Files or Template folder. Directly of the root of the new FTP. On more
Szed on August 16, 2018
Hi there, i'm trying to start building our new website through Hubspot. I want to work on local files, then upload with Filezilla (I work on a staging domain name on hubspot). Right now i have a few things blocking me before i have even starting read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
August 16, 2018
I find a solution. I created my folder from Hubspot, but not inside the Coded Files or Template folder. Directly of the root of the new FTP. On more
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