
Member since ‎Oct 27, 2021
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Amy Springer

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GMoore on July 20, 2021
Deal pipelines are great, but what about contact pipelines. Currently, we have to open a contact, mark specific fields one by one, and then build filters or lists in our contact pages. For less "sales deal" opportunities (IE. referral, evangelist, read more
5 Replies
March 25, 2024
Yeah, i would like to use a pipeline view for other contact properties. not just lifecycle stage.
ASpringer on February 01, 2022
When I add the "Primary contact" association label to a contact card, it doesn't get re-ordered to the top of the list. So no other account owners or team members will know that a primary contact has been allocated.
22 Replies
February 18, 2024
@MMorgan6 I have filled out the form. I definitely submitted this suggested when Hubspot only had an activity feed and not the overview more
ASpringer on February 01, 2022
When I add the "Primary contact" association label to a contact card, it doesn't get re-ordered to the top of the list. So no other account owners or team members will know that a primary contact has been allocated.
22 Replies
February 18, 2024
@MMorgan6 I have filled out the form. I definitely submitted this suggested when Hubspot only had an activity feed and not the overview more
ASpringer on August 04, 2022
I would like to be able to do searches and create workflows that use library style truncation so I don't have to worry about different spelling or variations of words. e.g. organisation/organization/organisational/organizational. i.e in the workfl read more
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Mlaps on April 07, 2020
I work for a startup and am looking to use Hubspot to help with reaching out to potential investors for our Series A round. The process will look something like this. Write to 100 investors a cold intro Expect that 70 of them will not respond, o read more
0 upvote
10 Replies
April 06, 2022
I'm not sure if you have an account that allows you to create "Custom Objects". But I have been thinking about making a Custom Object called " more
KarolinaOlczak on March 21, 2019
Hello 🙂 I use a lot of average options for statistics, but in our case, they are largely skewed due to accidental situations. It would be great to be able to choose the median time to reply, the median time to close etc instead of ave read more
39 Replies
March 27, 2022
Same as above. For many measures a median can be more helpful than an average.
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