
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Oct 26, 2021
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Gagan Verma

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james_ on April 06, 2021
We need a contact property that specifies the Hubspot user who last modified a contact record. An even better property would be "Contact last contacted by", which would require that the Hubspot user either emailed, called, or had a conversation read more
16 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
May 04, 2022
We also need this. Is there any workaround?
GVerma on January 19, 2022
I am working on a Marketing events object but its drawback is I am unable to build workflow based on this and really looking forward to building reports or export files from the view.
1 Reply
dvel on February 04, 2021
I'm trying to calculate the difference between a custom Today's Date property and a custom Renewal Date property. Using this calculation it should be pretty easy to assess whether a client is considered Active or Expired depending on whether "Today" read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
January 18, 2022
@Mike_Eastwood how can I compare the two date property eg: Expiry date with Todays date? Can you demonstrate the example of that workflow? more
GVerma on January 17, 2022
I created a custom object. When I was making some changes in the custom object, I specified event, module as required properties in my patch API call. Now I want to delete event as the required property from my schema. However, I am unable to dele read more
GVerma on November 21, 2021
I have used Deal schema to build a custom object which should work similar to deal object with stages. but it's giving me error "message": "This endpoint cannot be used to create HUBSPOT object types". Is it not possible to create a custom object read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 24, 2021
Thanks, Dennis! I have created my custom object and associated it with contacts, but in the contact-based workflows trigger, I don't see my option more
GVerma on November 21, 2021
I have used Deal schema to build a custom object which should work similar to deal object with stages. but it's giving me error "message": "This endpoint cannot be used to create HUBSPOT object types". Is it not possible to create a custom object read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 24, 2021
Thanks, Dennis! I have created my custom object and associated it with contacts, but in the contact-based workflows trigger, I don't see my option more
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