
Member since ‎Oct 26, 2021
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Thomas Krekling

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JDickens3 on July 10, 2023
Allow for an internal review process of Quotes before sending them out to the Client.
2 Replies
September 05, 2023
I think this is very essential for quality controll of the qoutes. Hope more people upvote this:)
TKrekling on April 25, 2023
Currently in deal view, I have qoute details on a small card in the leftmost ribbon. I would like to be able to customize that qoutecard, adding details like : - Qoute ref - Amount (MRR/ARR) - Date created - Created by
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YiRui_Chua on November 22, 2021
Hey team, Currently, customers do not have the ability to see the verification email or signature emails sent out to customers from quote tool. It would be helpful to have those visible somewhere so that they can verify for themselves whether the read more
4 Replies
November 28, 2022
Would be nice if internal employees dont need to run the verification by email when signing quotes.
TKrekling on December 01, 2021
When in dialogue with customer I want to gather as much information from the customer as possible. Making the handover from sales to delivery smoother, so that delivery doesnt need to chase information from the customer. Information that might have read more
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TKrekling on October 26, 2021
Hi sent this request to support, and was encourage to post in her: Is it possible to have several versions of a productlibrary? Our case is that we want to have a base productlibrary. But for customer we might negotiate deviation from this, read more
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