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Whitend75 on September 05, 2019
We love the new Quote Approval function, but would like to be able to have more than a single approver. There are several reasons why: 1) If the approver is out for an extended time, it would be important for them to easily be able to delegate Beitrag ansehen
73 Antworten
August 31, 2022
@ethankopit The problem is that the workflow is setting the approver as a specific user and it is limited to only a user. It must be a user which i...Beitrag ansehen
OBenAbdallah on August 04, 2022
Something that would be useful for workflows would be a way to enqueue enrollment in Workflows. My problem: I enroll/re-enroll deals in a workflow based on several triggers (OR conditions) that sends a Webhook. Then I get the workflow overwhelm Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
SamanthaA on September 04, 2020
It would be excellent to have the ability to report on a "time between" calculated property that permits the exclusion of weekends or certain dates and times. For example, for the HubSpot default ticket property "Time to close," it would be ideal to Beitrag ansehen
Februar 10, 2022
I upvote & comment on this idea for followup. Much needed 🙂
Whitend75 on September 05, 2019
We love the new Quote Approval function, but would like to be able to have more than a single approver. There are several reasons why: 1) If the approver is out for an extended time, it would be important for them to easily be able to delegate Beitrag ansehen
73 Antworten
August 31, 2022
@ethankopit The problem is that the workflow is setting the approver as a specific user and it is limited to only a user. It must be a user which i...Beitrag ansehen
Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
71 Antworten
Januar 06, 2022
Is there any news here ? I can't believe it's taking years to change the nature of a field from integer to decimal or float... !
Skogluft on Februar 14, 2020
Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting. For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds... You get the point. extremely important that this Beitrag ansehen
71 Antworten
Januar 06, 2022
Is there any news here ? I can't believe it's taking years to change the nature of a field from integer to decimal or float... !
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