
Member since ‎Oct 21, 2021
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Giampaolo Bulleri

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GBulleri on December 05, 2021
Hi, I' am working with the embed code. The Hubspot documentation says to wrire custom code inside onFormSubmit hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: '', formId: '', onFormSubmit: function($form) { // YOUR SCRIPT HERE read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
December 06, 2021
Hi, I fixed the preventDefault() issue; I added into onFormReady the click event: onFormReady: function($form) { var pp=$form.find('input[ more
GBulleri on December 05, 2021
Hi, I' am working with the embed code. The Hubspot documentation says to wrire custom code inside onFormSubmit hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: '', formId: '', onFormSubmit: function($form) { // YOUR SCRIPT HERE read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
December 06, 2021
Hi, I fixed the preventDefault() issue; I added into onFormReady the click event: onFormReady: function($form) { var pp=$form.find('input[ more
GBulleri on December 05, 2021
Hi, I' am working with the embed code. The Hubspot documentation says to wrire custom code inside onFormSubmit hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: '', formId: '', onFormSubmit: function($form) { // YOUR SCRIPT HERE read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
December 06, 2021
Hi, I fixed the preventDefault() issue; I added into onFormReady the click event: onFormReady: function($form) { var pp=$form.find('input[ more
GBulleri on December 05, 2021
Hi, I' am working with the embed code. The Hubspot documentation says to wrire custom code inside onFormSubmit hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: '', formId: '', onFormSubmit: function($form) { // YOUR SCRIPT HERE read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
December 06, 2021
Hi, I fixed the preventDefault() issue; I added into onFormReady the click event: onFormReady: function($form) { var pp=$form.find('input[ more
GBulleri on December 05, 2021
Hi, I' am working with the embed code. The Hubspot documentation says to wrire custom code inside onFormSubmit hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: '', formId: '', onFormSubmit: function($form) { // YOUR SCRIPT HERE read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
December 06, 2021
Hi, I fixed the preventDefault() issue; I added into onFormReady the click event: onFormReady: function($form) { var pp=$form.find('input[ more
GBulleri on November 24, 2021
Hi, I opened a ticket at the official support but still no answers! May be that the commnunity can help me!! When, from my developer account, I write a valid URL into the webhook target URL field, after clicking SAVE Hubspot raises an error in read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
November 29, 2021
Hi, thank you for you answer. I just finished now and I explain to the community what happened: The webhook listener was a webservice (ASMX): more
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