
Member | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Oct 15, 2021
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Laura Schreiber

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JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
In order to convert more leads from your email marketing, you have to first get your readers to open your emails, and click through on them. This is why, as email marketers, we’re all but obsessed with our open rates and clickthrough rates -- becau read more
496 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
December 09, 2022
Personalization and tell them what is in it for them - "new ways to save in 2023" "The products that will improve your productivity"
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
On a past thread, we discussed some of the ways that workflows can trigger your team internally. You can use them to automate data clean up or to trigger notifications to your sales team. Now, let’s discuss ways you can use workflows to read more
564 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
December 09, 2022
Nurturing new leads. Not everyone is ready to purchase right away but if we can help in their journey from discovery to evaluation, we can help more
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
As a marketer, CTAs are relevant because they encourage your audience to take action on a marketing campaign. Below are a few examples of the types of CTAs you might use in marketing materials: Try for free. Nearly every company w read more
604 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
November 20, 2022
Sign up for your FREE online demo Talk to a consultant today Download your eBook now
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
Creating and optimizing landing pages is a crucial step in your lead generation efforts. What's a common mistake I always see and try to avoid? Not having a second offer or CTA on the thank you page. It’s a smart move to keep your primary read more
541 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
November 20, 2022
Too many fields too fill out. This seems to only benefit one side - the company! Also, not putting in a section for country.
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
Blog posts enable you and your business to publish insights, thoughts, and stories on your website about any topic. They can help you boost brand awareness, credibility, conversions, and revenue. Most importantly, they can help you drive traffic to read more
742 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
November 20, 2022
Anything that gives new information or provides answers to searches.
JorieMunroe on July 11, 2021
Marketing campaigns are organized, strategized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as raising awareness of a new product or capturing customer feedback. They typically aim to reach consumers in a variety of ways and involve a combinati read more
534 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
November 19, 2022
By industry New Marketing strategies Personas Product interest
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