
Member since ‎Oct 15, 2021
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MNick2 on July 29, 2024
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to check if a contact property is empty via hubl we have so far {% if contact.added_to_our_list_after is not defined or contact.added_to_our_list_after == '' or contact.added_to_our_list_after is none %} read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 30, 2024
Yup, have done that. Returns nothing, empty string is my assumption. Wish there was a TYPEOF or something. But the property itself, is a empty more
MNick2 on July 29, 2024
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to check if a contact property is empty via hubl we have so far {% if contact.added_to_our_list_after is not defined or contact.added_to_our_list_after == '' or contact.added_to_our_list_after is none %} read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 30, 2024
Yup, have done that. Returns nothing, empty string is my assumption. Wish there was a TYPEOF or something. But the property itself, is a empty more
MNick2 on July 29, 2024
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to check if a contact property is empty via hubl we have so far {% if contact.added_to_our_list_after is not defined or contact.added_to_our_list_after == '' or contact.added_to_our_list_after is none %} read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
July 30, 2024
Yup, have done that. Returns nothing, empty string is my assumption. Wish there was a TYPEOF or something. But the property itself, is a empty more
MNick2 on August 11, 2023
ne of my biggest peeves with the hubspot changes from last year is that now for all of our landing pages, we have to create individual workflows to send follow up emails for any of our landing pages. You used to be able to add a form to the land read more
MNick2 on August 10, 2023
One of my biggest peeves with the hubspot changes from last year is that now for all of our landing pages, we have to create individual workflows to send follow up emails for any of our landing pages. You used to be able to add a form to the lan read more
MNick2 on April 05, 2023
Was curious how people manage developing templates and themes locally and because we have to use something like "get_asset_url" for everything (css/images etc). I find myself not using that until I'm done developing so I can preview my stuff locally read more
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