
Member since ‎Oct 14, 2021
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Drew Hall

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DHall on January 18, 2024
We get so many spam comments on our blogs, which of course are gated and never see the light of day. But in the process of reviewing the comment submissions and marking them as spam/rejected, it would be a time saver to also be able to delete the co read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 19, 2024
Thank you for this reply and the link to the Moderate Blog Comment article. Despite what it says about having the "Moderate comments" and "Allow more
DHall on January 18, 2024
We get so many spam comments on our blogs, which of course are gated and never see the light of day. But in the process of reviewing the comment submissions and marking them as spam/rejected, it would be a time saver to also be able to delete the co read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 19, 2024
Thank you for this reply and the link to the Moderate Blog Comment article. Despite what it says about having the "Moderate comments" and "Allow more
DHall on June 12, 2023
The latest update to the blog editor/publsihing interface removed the option to set a custom publishing time. We used to be ablde to set the time down to the minute, which not only made it seem more random and organic on our news page, but was also read more
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AllisonWolcott on February 08, 2018
Social media editorial calendar management is supposed to only take a small portion of my time, so I need to be able to recycle evergreen content efficiently. The problem: I can't find it. It would be great to be able to keyword-search publi read more
18 Replies
March 08, 2023
@DJenkins5 , look in the top right corner of the Social page:
AllisonWolcott on February 08, 2018
Social media editorial calendar management is supposed to only take a small portion of my time, so I need to be able to recycle evergreen content efficiently. The problem: I can't find it. It would be great to be able to keyword-search publi read more
18 Replies
March 08, 2023
@DJenkins5 , look in the top right corner of the Social page:
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