
Member since ‎Oct 12, 2021
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Ryan Fernandes

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DitteBille on May 19, 2021
It would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders - especially in the workflow folders as it is possible with lists today.
52 Replies
February 24, 2022
This is 100% required. We're a relatively small business and the amount of workflows we've set up are pretty tough to manage effectively without more
rfernandes1994 on January 18, 2022
We want to be able to make the opt-in mandatory as we can on our forms, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. Here's an example of what I mean.  
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rfernandes1994 on October 27, 2021
Hi guys, We're working on developing a few new templates with our developer. Sometime soon we're going to start adding the following to our site; Events White papers Insights (blogs) Case studies How would you recommend us setting this up read more
rfernandes1994 on October 20, 2021
Hi guys, We are looking to run a referral program, for the sake of example referrer is Joe Bloggs and referee is Jane Doe. I've marked which stages we've completed and which stages we need guidance on and the best way to manage. Excuse the lengt read more
rfernandes1994 on October 12, 2021
We are looking to contact a list of contacts (not opted in to Marketing as no consent collected when they were uploaded to the CRM) about an educational webinar we are hosting. We have a decent list of contacts but our Sales Team aren't able to bulk read more
October 13, 2021
Thanks @karstenkoehler and @webdew all super useful! With regards to why we aren't using the Marketing emails process, the database has been more
rfernandes1994 on October 12, 2021
We are looking to contact a list of contacts (not opted in to Marketing as no consent collected when they were uploaded to the CRM) about an educational webinar we are hosting. We have a decent list of contacts but our Sales Team aren't able to bulk read more
October 13, 2021
Thanks @karstenkoehler and @webdew all super useful! With regards to why we aren't using the Marketing emails process, the database has been more
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