
Member since ‎Oct 11, 2021
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Arthur Sierzputowski

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buywithvan on March 09, 2020
It would be very helpful to add all IP addresses to the Excluded Traffic list of any user that logs in to Hubspot. By the simple nature the user is logging in to Hubspot, this would imply he/she is internal on our team. We would like to block this read more
February 20, 2024
I had thought of the same idea. I'm glad I found it here and I am up voting it as well.
SComeau on December 13, 2021
Many of our employees fill out forms that we have on our website to register for webinars, events etc. Is there a way to tag our domain for these to not count toward stats? I am finding a ton of data is connected to employees visiting our site, regi read more
7 Replies
February 20, 2024
Hi Everyone, While there is no way to catch and exclude IPs for all employees and agencies that may be working on your HubSpot account, there is more
andrep on April 12, 2022
I am currenlty looking to add access to our Knowledge hub though our web application. I am looking to keep the knowledge base private as I only want current customers to have access to this. However due to compliance and the number of users accessin read more
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3 Replies
February 19, 2024
Hi @andrep , We're also working through some challenges with access to our internal KB. I was thinking of making all our company users more
LROADY on October 30, 2018
Looking for best practices from my peers: what do you do with old landing pages when they need to be retired? Specifically, we create landing pages with registration forms for tradeshow meetings. Those old landing pages are still out there on the read more
7 Replies
February 06, 2024
There is actually no way to un-publish a blog listing page in HubSpot 😮 You will need to redirect the listing page and then either leave the more
Mainata on November 24, 2021
Hi folks, what is the current status with the multi-language versions of the system pages? Still can't HubSpot do that? If not, are there simple and practical detours, or do you have to use JavaScript or Hubl? Many thanks for the help! read more
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4 Replies
September 26, 2023
Any global header and footer modules will not translate to a language in the context of the System pages. The body will translate but not the header more
WFabian on June 27, 2023
Hi all, i looking for a solution to create translations for the system pages. The system page (search-results.html) is useing the footer.html and header.html. Is there a way to pull the via HubSpot-Backend / Drag-and-Drop-Editor created tran read more
0 upvote
11 Replies
September 26, 2023
Any global header and footer modules will not translate to a language in the context of the System pages. The body will translate but not the header more
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