
HubSpot Moderator
Member since ‎Oct 5, 2021
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Marlène Reboux

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YE82 on August 10, 2020
It would be great if the A/B test functionality also applied to blogposts; testing headlines, an entire blogpost etc.
1 upvote
3 Replies
HubSpot Moderator
March 07, 2022
Hi there, thank you for submitting this idea! For visibility, I am also sharing this other idea which is similar and which has a bit more upvotes: more
SSylvia on December 17, 2021
Hello, I need to create lists in contacts>lists but I can't delete the existing. Votre compte a atteint le nombre maximum de création de listes actif. Contactez un administrateur de compte pour demander à pouvoir en créer plus. I have an err read more
0 upvote
1 Reply
HubSpot Moderator
December 20, 2021
Bonjour @SSylvia ! Merci d'avoir posté sur la communauté! De ce que je comprends, vous souhaiteriez supprimer certaines de vos listes actives more
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