
Member since ‎Dec 6, 2017
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ndwilliams3 on January 25, 2017
Workflows can be complex and it would be great it you could add notes to a step to explain what it's doing for other members on the team. In programming, you leave comments in the code to help explain a function, why not have something similar in read more
44 Replies
October 30, 2018
@cathylamberth when viewing a workflow click the More button in the top right, you can add descriptive notes there.
simon2 on October 26, 2018
We're looking to try and recreate a conversational landing page (similar to this: ) using Hubspot bots. We think we can centre the chatbot window fine using CSS, however we can't see a way to autostart/expand the chat windo read more
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1 Reply
simon2 on September 12, 2018
We're trying to understand why some form data sent through the API by one of our partners was not received in our Hubspot platform. They received this response: http code 204: no content I believe 204 is the correct response but unsure if the read more
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4 Replies
September 25, 2018
Thanks for clarifying on "204" and "no content" Derek. On further investigation it looks like the submissions that we thought were missing are more
simon2 on September 12, 2018
We're trying to understand why some form data sent through the API by one of our partners was not received in our Hubspot platform. They received this response: http code 204: no content I believe 204 is the correct response but unsure if the read more
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4 Replies
September 25, 2018
Thanks for clarifying on "204" and "no content" Derek. On further investigation it looks like the submissions that we thought were missing are more
simon2 on September 12, 2018
We're trying to understand why some form data sent through the API by one of our partners was not received in our Hubspot platform. They received this response: http code 204: no content I believe 204 is the correct response but unsure if the read more
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4 Replies
September 25, 2018
Thanks for clarifying on "204" and "no content" Derek. On further investigation it looks like the submissions that we thought were missing are more
simon2 on July 31, 2018
I'm trying to use Hubl to create a recent blog posts module, where the user can choose which tag/topic of blogs to show. I'm having trouble with the line below - if I simply type in the topic slug (eg. 'press-release') it works, but if I try and a read more
August 21, 2018
Thanks so much for this @Derek_Gervais - that's worked perfectly.
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