
Member since ‎Sep 28, 2021
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Fabien Clary

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fafaba on April 04, 2024
Hi, Our transaction emails add on is finally set up and I have some questions about it: - From what I understood, transactional emails are email that can't be unsubscribed from, correct ? - So it means, I can have a different footer with read more
April 04, 2024
Thank you for the answers however regarding the text about the manage preferences, i believe in my case hubspot can't remove it. They are HTML more
fafaba on April 04, 2024
Hi, Our transaction emails add on is finally set up and I have some questions about it: - From what I understood, transactional emails are email that can't be unsubscribed from, correct ? - So it means, I can have a different footer with read more
April 04, 2024
Thank you for the answers however regarding the text about the manage preferences, i believe in my case hubspot can't remove it. They are HTML more
fafaba on December 18, 2023
Hi, I have some reports I have to send every week. This could be done automatically maybe. But I don't know if it's possible. My idea here would be to transfer some specific reports from Hubspot to Google Sheet. Maybe via Zapier ? I can ma read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
December 18, 2023
You are everywhere! 😄 But thanks for your reply however it's not really what I need. Because we rely on google sheets for our reporting and more
fafaba on December 18, 2023
Hi, I have some reports I have to send every week. This could be done automatically maybe. But I don't know if it's possible. My idea here would be to transfer some specific reports from Hubspot to Google Sheet. Maybe via Zapier ? I can ma read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
December 18, 2023
You are everywhere! 😄 But thanks for your reply however it's not really what I need. Because we rely on google sheets for our reporting and more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 39 votes. There currently isn't a way to A/B test forms. I'm assuming other users out there would be interested in A/B testing whether or not certain fields create higher form submission drop off than o read more
94 Replies
September 12, 2023
Yes A/B form would be really great, we don't have time to set up a landing page for a form.
fafaba on September 05, 2023
Hi, I'm making this article to explain how to bulk update the prices of your product instead of going one by one. I didn't see any explanation for this and I think it's worth knowing and will save time. First you need to get the Record ID. read more
2 Replies
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