
Member since ‎Sep 28, 2021
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Dmytro Z

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dmytro on November 19, 2021
Hello I use the WP Gravity Forms plugin and I need to send data on each step of the multistep form. At least I want to send name and email from the first form step and after, if the user finished form I want to send data again to the HS The qu read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 20, 2021
Here is my solution: I installed the Partial Entries addon (Elite License Plan required). This addon can save entries to WP on each step. To send more
dmytro on November 19, 2021
Hello I use the WP Gravity Forms plugin and I need to send data on each step of the multistep form. At least I want to send name and email from the first form step and after, if the user finished form I want to send data again to the HS The qu read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 20, 2021
Here is my solution: I installed the Partial Entries addon (Elite License Plan required). This addon can save entries to WP on each step. To send more
dmytro on November 19, 2021
Hello I use the WP Gravity Forms plugin and I need to send data on each step of the multistep form. At least I want to send name and email from the first form step and after, if the user finished form I want to send data again to the HS The qu read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 20, 2021
Here is my solution: I installed the Partial Entries addon (Elite License Plan required). This addon can save entries to WP on each step. To send more
dmytro on November 19, 2021
Hello I use the WP Gravity Forms plugin and I need to send data on each step of the multistep form. At least I want to send name and email from the first form step and after, if the user finished form I want to send data again to the HS The qu read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 20, 2021
Here is my solution: I installed the Partial Entries addon (Elite License Plan required). This addon can save entries to WP on each step. To send more
dmytro on October 14, 2021
Hello I'm trying to fetch products related to the Custom Quote page, but I can't get product currency. Here is what I see using API: hubspotProduct = SimplePublicObjectWithAssociation read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 05, 2021
I was communicating with the HS support guy and he helped me. I general, better to use Postman to get HS data. In my case, I just need to use " more
dmytro on October 14, 2021
Hello I'm trying to fetch products related to the Custom Quote page, but I can't get product currency. Here is what I see using API: hubspotProduct = SimplePublicObjectWithAssociation read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 05, 2021
I was communicating with the HS support guy and he helped me. I general, better to use Postman to get HS data. In my case, I just need to use " more
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