
Member since ‎Dec 5, 2017
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Will Carreras

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BookMarker on November 27, 2019
The Calendar Integration w/ Outlook, where a candidate can book a phone call works well. The problem is there is nowhere for them to input their phone number so it takes several more steps to get that info from them. Is there a way to request th read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
December 02, 2019
Thanks, it seems w/ the free account, it's kind of limited...I appreciate the response.
BookMarker on November 27, 2019
The Calendar Integration w/ Outlook, where a candidate can book a phone call works well. The problem is there is nowhere for them to input their phone number so it takes several more steps to get that info from them. Is there a way to request th read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
December 02, 2019
Thanks, it seems w/ the free account, it's kind of limited...I appreciate the response.
IgniteMarketing on April 18, 2017
Hi guys I'm using the Gmail integration and love all the features EXCEPT the one that automatically creates a new contact within HubSpot CRM everytime I send an email to anyone not yet in the CRM from my Gmail account. Is there a way to swit read more
74 Replies
April 25, 2018
Getting the same thing out of Outlook 365 - did you figure out a solution? Thanks, Will
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