
Member since ‎Sep 22, 2021
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sgagliano on January 22, 2020
It would be valuable to be able to create proprties that are lookup values of records from other entities. As an example, On "Companies" I would like to be able to lookup a "Contact" where I could have the contact be a property on the company. The read more
91 Replies
January 11, 2022
We actually ended up canceling HubSpot due to this feature not existing. If a simple program like Podio can do lookup fields, no reason a bigger more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 57 votes. Hi, We need to be able to set a max-length on the multi-line text fields on forms, with a counter (for usability) regularly our forms will not sync with salesforce as users are inputing over read more
21 Replies
November 30, 2021
Considering the max limit for mluti text fields i think was like 65,000 characters it makes sense to have the ability to control text limits at more
Sara on May 10, 2017
Firstly, not to have to add an existing hubspot user as a contact to be able to add them. Secodly, not adding the person who sets up the meeting as an attendee because they simply create meetings for other users and don't have to be invited to the read more
171 Replies
November 09, 2021
Seeing some screenshots look really promising! That is exactly how i pictured it working. Is there a expected releaste date? Like Q1 or something? more
McKennaTrees on January 15, 2021
How 'owner's are displayed should be cleaned up. Right now, for instance, if i look at our companies, it has the owner as both the User's full name and email. This is extra unnecessary infromation that muddys up the data. So instead of the cu read more
November 01, 2021
This immediately started to annoye me when going through views. The email is unnecessary. No other crm displays the email in the owner lookup. This more
ndwilliams3 on February 02, 2017
Like, contacts, deals and companies, it would be great if you could add custom user profile properties. There are times when you might want to include an owner token within an email, like a phone number, title or some other property that's outside t read more
45 Replies
November 01, 2021
This seems like another feature that would be common sense in a normal CRM. Admin should be able to have basic org level fields against the user more
sgagliano on January 22, 2020
It would be valuable to be able to create proprties that are lookup values of records from other entities. As an example, On "Companies" I would like to be able to lookup a "Contact" where I could have the contact be a property on the company. The read more
91 Replies
January 11, 2022
We actually ended up canceling HubSpot due to this feature not existing. If a simple program like Podio can do lookup fields, no reason a bigger more
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