
Member since ‎Sep 20, 2021
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Bo Bradt

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DAltenhof on November 18, 2022
We are setting up Okta to SSO into Hubspot. We have users who are being pushed but the permission sets are not. Since we are not using the cost center variable in Okta we were going to set the value (Super Admin, Marketing, Sales...) and have that m read more
November 13, 2023
@DAltenhof you can use the Okta profile editor to change the mapping for the title attribute. We use another attribute that we call job group and more
BoBradt on September 20, 2021
Hi there, We recently configured SCIM with Okta for our organization. Previously we had roles & rights assigned manually, including 3 of our Super Admins that also had a Sales Enterprise seat. In configuring SCIM, I assigned each of our Supe read more
January 24, 2022
Ah I see, the key is to create a new role that has the super admin capability enabled! #solved
BoBradt on September 20, 2021
Hi there, We recently configured SCIM with Okta for our organization. Previously we had roles & rights assigned manually, including 3 of our Super Admins that also had a Sales Enterprise seat. In configuring SCIM, I assigned each of our Supe read more
January 24, 2022
Ah I see, the key is to create a new role that has the super admin capability enabled! #solved
BoBradt on September 20, 2021
Hi there, We recently configured SCIM with Okta for our organization. Previously we had roles & rights assigned manually, including 3 of our Super Admins that also had a Sales Enterprise seat. In configuring SCIM, I assigned each of our Supe read more
January 24, 2022
Ah I see, the key is to create a new role that has the super admin capability enabled! #solved
BoBradt on September 20, 2021
Hi there, We recently configured SCIM with Okta for our organization. Previously we had roles & rights assigned manually, including 3 of our Super Admins that also had a Sales Enterprise seat. In configuring SCIM, I assigned each of our Supe read more
January 24, 2022
Ah I see, the key is to create a new role that has the super admin capability enabled! #solved
BoBradt on September 20, 2021
Hi there, We recently configured SCIM with Okta for our organization. Previously we had roles & rights assigned manually, including 3 of our Super Admins that also had a Sales Enterprise seat. In configuring SCIM, I assigned each of our Supe read more
January 24, 2022
Ah I see, the key is to create a new role that has the super admin capability enabled! #solved
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