
Member since ‎Sep 17, 2021
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jwill377 on April 27, 2023
Hello! I am trying to get the url's for the blog tags added into the JS callback for recent blog posts. I would also like to truncate the summary post characters and am having issues getting both of these to work. I am using this code <div cl read more
May 01, 2023
Thank you so much!!
jwill377 on April 27, 2023
Hello! I am trying to get the url's for the blog tags added into the JS callback for recent blog posts. I would also like to truncate the summary post characters and am having issues getting both of these to work. I am using this code <div cl read more
May 01, 2023
Thank you so much!!
jwill377 on September 29, 2022
Hi all! I am having an issue where any blog posts that have more than one tag will display more than once. Here is my code: {% for content in contents|unique %} {% if loop.index > 1 %} {% for topic in content.topic_list %} {% u read more
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September 29, 2022
Yeah it was looping through the topic list. I found this as a solution that worked perfectly... {% set myString = "Expert Forum Insider" %} {% more
jwill377 on September 29, 2022
Hi all! I am having an issue where any blog posts that have more than one tag will display more than once. Here is my code: {% for content in contents|unique %} {% if loop.index > 1 %} {% for topic in content.topic_list %} {% u read more
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2 Replies
September 29, 2022
Yeah it was looping through the topic list. I found this as a solution that worked perfectly... {% set myString = "Expert Forum Insider" %} {% more
jwill377 on August 23, 2022
I attached the blog.css to the blog templates I am using for a new blog I am creating. The blog index and the blog listing page are not picking up style changes at all. Any ideas as to what could be causing this?
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jwill377 on November 12, 2021
Hi all! Right now I am setting blog posts to only display the first blog topic in the loop, but I would like for the correct tag to display within each blog category page. Here is the code I am currently using: <div class="post-list"> < read more
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November 15, 2021
This worked perfectly. Thank you so much!
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