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Eric Chatry

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cullenwebster on Oktober 11, 2021
Our team is needing a way to limit which units a particular user or team is assigned to. For example, if we have a team member who does support for one of our units and not another, I need to find a way to limit their access only to the unit they su Beitrag ansehen
März 15, 2023
Indeed, it would be great to have this possibility to only see data at business unit level
AnaïsB on Januar 24, 2019
Hello there, It would be great if we had the option to make form fields autocomplete ; for adresses, using the Google Maps autosuggest could do something like that : We have a lot of trouble treating duplicates and typos, which would Beitrag ansehen
56 Antworten
Oktober 12, 2019
all for it
DBowers3 on Juni 16, 2017
Think business consultant or sales broker - We'd like to be able to have one contact associated with multiple companies in Sales CRM.
379 Antworten
August 31, 2019
Yes, this would be useful also to manage contacts that have changed companies. We deal wit real estate agents and they change a lot. Also clients, ...Beitrag ansehen
mitchellkp on September 10, 2018
Add the ability to filter Deals with the entered stage date field. I don't want a dashboard, but a list. entered stage date is currently a HubSpot calculated field that is only available in reporting. Expose it at the Deal filter level. I want Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
August 24, 2019
yes surely very useful
bambrose on November 27, 2018
I have a situation where I spend half my time emailing suppliers / organising adminstrative tasks, and the other communicating with contacts. I do not wish to include my suppliers in the companies / contacts detailed on hubspot. So logically Beitrag ansehen
August 23, 2019
YEEES ABSOLUTELY There is no real reasons why it should be limited to 100 ... my salespeople often forget to untick the gmail plug in when they send...Beitrag ansehen
ericchatry on August 21, 2019
Does anyone know how we could integrate automatically Customer Google Reviews into the contact page ? There is a zapier for Google Business to Hubpost but I have not tried yet and it works only for new reviews not existing. Anything on that ?
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