
Member since ‎Sep 16, 2021
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Pedro Tayer

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PedroTayer on September 13, 2023
One of the strategies to sync Hubspot and any database is using the property 'hs_lastmodifieddate'. The idea is to use the search endpoint and return just the objects that has 'hs_lastmodifieddate' after then last sync. So the sync is fast and c read more
7 Replies
tiagogeada on August 21, 2021
Hello, API endpoints that return deals, companies and contacts with properties all contain a request parameter called "properties" where we specify the list of properties to be returned. However, when we have too many properties we can't includ read more
3 Replies
September 13, 2023
This is very important
PedroTayer on November 10, 2022
Hi guys, I'm trying to read a file attached to a deal but I'm not being successful. The API call I'm using is a get to: /crm-associations/v1/associations/ { deal_id } /HUBSPOT_DEFINED/11 But it returns just the notes ID, not the uploaded fi read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
PedroTayer on October 29, 2022
Hi guys, I'm trying to upload a .csv file to file manager via but I get a 400. The lack of example on documentation made me come here. My headers and url are: headers = { 'content-type' : 'mu read more
October 31, 2022
Thank you very much it worked! I've uploaded it and associated with deal using v1 engagement considering the file as a note. Just another thing, more
PedroTayer on October 29, 2022
Hi guys, I'm trying to upload a .csv file to file manager via but I get a 400. The lack of example on documentation made me come here. My headers and url are: headers = { 'content-type' : 'mu read more
October 31, 2022
Thank you very much it worked! I've uploaded it and associated with deal using v1 engagement considering the file as a note. Just another thing, more
PedroTayer on October 24, 2022
When adding Line items via API the Amount of the deal is not updated. One must enter the line items front end page and click, fake a change and the press the button "update deal amount". This is not scalable. The ideia is to whenever any change o read more
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