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William Foster

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


WFoster on Juli 18, 2024
Hi, We have a lot of contacts within our HubSpot environment, many of whom are customers and partners. For said partners, we'd like to have some custom properties display only for their records, perhaps based on their domain, in the left ha Beitrag ansehen
WFoster on Juni 19, 2023
Hi, Me and my team are reporting progress in deals in our reports. However, the percetage for a particualr stage set in the deals view is different to the percentage for the same stage when viewed in our reports. Is there a reason why this Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Juni 19, 2023
Hi @HFisher7 , Thanks for your reply. We just solved it, the deal probability was different to our forecase probability as you say. Thank you! ...Beitrag ansehen
WFoster on Juni 19, 2023
Hi, Me and my team are reporting progress in deals in our reports. However, the percetage for a particualr stage set in the deals view is different to the percentage for the same stage when viewed in our reports. Is there a reason why this Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Juni 19, 2023
Hi @HFisher7 , Thanks for your reply. We just solved it, the deal probability was different to our forecase probability as you say. Thank you! ...Beitrag ansehen
WFoster on April 25, 2023
Hi, Me and my colleagues are running sequneces in HubSpot with Sales Hub Professional. Occassionally, an 'undeliverable' response will come back to us as the user, but this isn't caught by HubSpot. We then mark the contact as unqualified in Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
April 25, 2023
Thanks Karsten, A shame but good to know. I wasn't aware of that so thanks, Best, William
WFoster on April 25, 2023
Hi, Me and my colleagues are running sequneces in HubSpot with Sales Hub Professional. Occassionally, an 'undeliverable' response will come back to us as the user, but this isn't caught by HubSpot. We then mark the contact as unqualified in Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
April 25, 2023
Thanks Karsten, A shame but good to know. I wasn't aware of that so thanks, Best, William
WFoster on Dezember 08, 2022
Me and my team are currently drafting some email templates and were hoping to insert a personalisation token that would say 'Good morning' or 'Good afternoon', depending on the time of day. Currently, there doesn't seem to be a way to create thi Beitrag ansehen
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