
Member since ‎Sep 13, 2021
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Paul Soucek

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BZimmermann on February 07, 2023
Hello Community, This post serves as a question or idea. In Customer Service / ServiceHub, I want tickets (through a form submission or mailbox link) to be assigned to available employees only. However, in HubSpot you can only define a team read more
July 29, 2024
This question was originally posted over 7 years ago... You would think HubSpot would integrate this very basic functionality without requiring more
nina on March 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist read more
94 Replies
June 18, 2024
Here's the solution HubSpot needs to add, very simple: When a workflow has a "Rotate record to Owner" step, it simply needs to add a checkbox or more
nina on March 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist read more
94 Replies
June 18, 2024
Here's the solution HubSpot needs to add, very simple: When a workflow has a "Rotate record to Owner" step, it simply needs to add a checkbox or more
nina on March 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist read more
94 Replies
June 18, 2024
Here's the solution HubSpot needs to add, very simple: When a workflow has a "Rotate record to Owner" step, it simply needs to add a checkbox or more
nina on March 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist read more
94 Replies
June 18, 2024
Here's the solution HubSpot needs to add, very simple: When a workflow has a "Rotate record to Owner" step, it simply needs to add a checkbox or more
nina on March 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist read more
94 Replies
June 18, 2024
Here's the solution HubSpot needs to add, very simple: When a workflow has a "Rotate record to Owner" step, it simply needs to add a checkbox or more
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