
Member since ‎Sep 9, 2021
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Todd Bevan

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November 28, 2023
It's some good fortune as I come looking for more information on this, you updated the thread yesterday . I have just attempted this myself and it more
October 10, 2023
Thanks Tom, I've moved it across!
TBevan on October 10, 2023
Hello, I feel we need a multiple choice list module in the survey creation. Effectively, I'm looking to ask "Which of the following are you using or would like to use" then present a list with check boxes. Such as the example provided. read more
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TBevan on October 10, 2023
Hello, I don't know where else to raise this as an idea, but I feel we need a multiple choice list module in the survey creation. Effectively, I'm looking to ask "Which of the following are you using or would like to use" then present a list wit read more
TBevan on February 23, 2023
Hello, I am looking to optimise my workflow and I wanted to ask some advice or see if anyone else is managing surveys the way I am intending. I imagine to some degree my current process is rather laborious. In essence, I am currently sending read more
TBevan on December 13, 2022
Hello, I am proposing the function to archive (or move) whole folders of emails. If I archive emails, the folder remains. I want to properly tidy up. Ideally I'd like to select the whole folder (for example, a month dated folder in 2021) and read more
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