
Member since ‎Sep 9, 2021
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Tilman Nadolski

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TNadolski on April 24, 2024
We organize our sales email templates and sequences in folders. There is only a single folder-level structure inside of Hubpsot which limits our ability to keep things organized. Having a second or third level folder structure (i.e. subfolders) woul read more
1 Reply
TNadolski on April 16, 2024
It would be great to be able to see different sequence enrollments as an association card on the right-hand side of Contact, Deal, Company & Custom Objects records in Hubspot. This would function essentially the same as "List Memberships". read more
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TNadolski on April 03, 2024
Currently, the only way you can associate a deal to a lead record is by using the default lead stage setting that automatically creates a deal upon lead stage = qualified. However, if you turn off that lead stage setting, and the user then crea read more
3 Replies
January 03, 2024
Second this. Also, if we have an annual goal, the monthly & quarterly rollups should happen without needing to create separate goals for each more
TNadolski on December 22, 2023
It would be great to set field level permissions by permission set. When we promote or hire someone new to a sales management position, instead of having to add the individual users who fall under that permission set to "view & edit", I would li read more
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TNadolski on April 26, 2023
It would be great to track the Total Annual Revenue of a Company based on the total dollar amount of closed won deals based on your Portal's Fiscal Year settings. It takes an incredible amount of finesse to make this work via workflows and seem read more
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