
Member since ‎Dec 1, 2017
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Virtual Orbis Virtual Orbis

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virtualorbis on June 18, 2020
I currently use an external application to create legal electronic invoices but would like to send a copy of them to Hubspot so other people of my team can do follow up of payments and eventually paste a picture of the bank transfer/deposit vouch read more
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2 Replies
ccds11 on March 17, 2017
Is there a process for associating tags to contacts or companies? If not, is there another way in which to associate certain qualities to contacts and/or companies that are not already listed?
242 Replies
March 01, 2018
I would like to use tags for adding information to prospects like source (e.g. facebook) and products they may be interested. So I was wondering how more
virtualorbis on December 01, 2017
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to make Hubspot import email message I already have in an IMAP account just like I do with VTiger
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5 Replies
December 01, 2017
When you say "previous messages" you are talking about messages marked as read?
virtualorbis on December 01, 2017
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to make Hubspot import email message I already have in an IMAP account just like I do with VTiger
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5 Replies
December 01, 2017
When you say "previous messages" you are talking about messages marked as read?
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