
HubSpot Employee
Mitglied seit ‎Sep 2, 2021
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Santiago Rizo Parra

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HubSpot Employee
April 18, 2022
Theres a Public Beta since April 4th, 2022: " We’ve increased the number of associations you can make between one object type to another from 10,...Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Februar 03, 2022
I have a customer looking exactly for the same increase, as a B2C business, they constantly increase associations between a custom object "store" and...Beitrag ansehen
SRizoParra on Dezember 22, 2021
Aiming to get even more competitive in the Enterprise segment, it would be important to have the chance to increase the maximum limits for some features that some HubSpot customers might face. Currently there are accounts that are so big and complex Beitrag ansehen
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HubSpot Employee
November 12, 2021
¡Toda la razón @lucie ! Es muy versátil la verdad. Y ese consejo de usarlo desde Servicios tiene todo el sentido del mundo 👍🏼 ¡Gracias!
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