
Member since ‎Aug 31, 2021
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Jimbo Mercer

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KyleM on August 29, 2019
My understanding is you can connect an Office 365 shared mailbox to a personal Hubspot account with IMAP settings, however, this option doesn't seem to bve available for the team shared mailbox connection in Hubspot. This would be extremely usef read more
110 Replies
February 28, 2024
We need this.
holodan on March 04, 2021
Hello, enhancing re-enrollment functions on activities would be a massive help! What I want to track is how many touchpoints we have with leads to qualify into another stage. In detail: how many calls and mails do we need to qualify from sql to read more
3 Replies
March 29, 2023
Also for example - I have a workflow that sends an alert every time a certain type of marketing email is clicked... but if someone clicks again... more
natedame on February 10, 2021
It would be amazing to have task-based workflows! We have various things generating tasks - especially sequences. Task queues don't solve every problem - and many situations are more nuanced. As a result, tasks have become more cumbersome to m read more
66 Replies
March 16, 2023
Is there any attention on this?? We continue to run into issues not having tasks as an available object in workflows. Could someone from Hubspot more
Jimbro on February 10, 2023
I tried to copy the name of a task using a workflow into a custom property I made in Tickets. It is great to see the next activity date and last activity date for tasks but there are MULTIPLE contexts in which I would rather see the NAME/SUBJECT LIN read more
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Jimbro on February 10, 2023
We have all our forms setup in Microsoft. I would have migrated things over to Hubspot already but the catch is the QR codes. Hubspot Forms doesn't have a native QR code generator attached to the Forms module, like Microsoft does. This is keeping us read more
5 Replies
natedame on February 10, 2021
It would be amazing to have task-based workflows! We have various things generating tasks - especially sequences. Task queues don't solve every problem - and many situations are more nuanced. As a result, tasks have become more cumbersome to m read more
66 Replies
March 16, 2023
Is there any attention on this?? We continue to run into issues not having tasks as an available object in workflows. Could someone from Hubspot more
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