
Member since ‎Aug 30, 2021
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Angela Maness

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AManess on May 22, 2023
Good afternoon, I am wondering if there is a user friendly tool to create printable brochures and flyers that integrates with HubSpot? Thank you, Angela
AManess on May 20, 2022
Is there anyway to create a report on supplemental goals (meetings and calls)? We are able to set the goals, but not create a report that includes the quote. Thank you, Angela
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AManess on November 02, 2021
I was wondering if there is a way to create a report around My Deals which would populate by user based on the log in similar to my tasks?
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AManess on October 08, 2021
We have professional paid version of Hubspot. We have 12 different locations with 12 different address, How do you handle this when sending quotes, How can we fill in the headers each time so we don't have this problem. They want us to sign up w read more
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AManess on August 30, 2021
Hi, I am wondering if there is a "best practices" checklist for training new "day to day" users. We will be adding sales people and I am wanting to put together some information on how they access Hubspot and use things: Access contacts. edit co read more
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August 30, 2021
Thank you for these great answers. I have a follow up question on the post - "Questionnaire form for customer , that is live on the contact or more
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