
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Aug 27, 2021
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Shawn Segundo

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SSegundo on September 27, 2023
When working with analytics views it would be useful to enable these to have a "contains ANY of the values in the URL path" but right now it's only an "contains ALL of the values in the URL path" which isn't very useful. E.g. when regional re read more
0 Reply
SSegundo on August 08, 2023
Hello, The filter in standardized HS LP reports for "URL" is extremely misleading. You have the option for 2 things: URL is equal to (self explanatory) URL is any of (supposedly self explanatory, but misleading) Based these options read more
MariaC on August 26, 2022
Would love to see SEO topics as an option in workflow allowing you to create more contextual journeys. For example, using if/then logic to create a branch per topic and nurturing contacts based on their previous engagement with an SEO topic. SEO t read more
2 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
July 17, 2023
This would be so dope!
jbolger90 on February 03, 2022
It seems that there is no way to sort and organize line items within product libraries. Products are sorted based on import or create date within HubSpot. My company builds product libraries and folders based off a tiered pricing approach (I.E read more
62 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
July 12, 2023
yes do this now 🙂
Kanako on June 01, 2017
Looking at List of Contact properties, I wonder if I can have "First Contacted Date." - opposed to Last Contacted ( the last time a call, email, or meeting was logged for a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in th read more
38 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
May 04, 2023
Def a worthy feature
SSegundo on April 12, 2023
There needs to be functionality in the HS system where later deal stages need to respect required properties in previous deal stages. EXAMPLE Let's imagine we have 4 deal stages: Qualification Negotiation Contracting Closed/won In read more
2 Replies
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