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Callie Mulvihill

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JMask on Juli 11, 2022
Hello, I would like to request a feature where I could sort and filter deals by the number of associated companies. As many of our deals often have more than one company that should be associated, it is very important for our sales team to be ab Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
November 27, 2023
Sure thing -- it's a calculated property 🙂
JMask on Juli 11, 2022
Hello, I would like to request a feature where I could sort and filter deals by the number of associated companies. As many of our deals often have more than one company that should be associated, it is very important for our sales team to be ab Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
November 27, 2023
Sure thing -- it's a calculated property 🙂
jbogaert on Februar 17, 2022
Hi everyone! Today, we held the third workshop in this month's Masterclass in Custom Automation and we learned how to create a referral program! Thank you all for showing up such great numbers! We hope you enjoyed it. In this post, y Beitrag ansehen
November 03, 2023
/* Operations Hub Workshop 3: Workflow 2 Code This code is used to attribute a referral back to the correct contact. This is done by querying the CR...Beitrag ansehen
jbogaert on Februar 17, 2022
Hi everyone! Today, we held the third workshop in this month's Masterclass in Custom Automation and we learned how to create a referral program! Thank you all for showing up such great numbers! We hope you enjoyed it. In this post, y Beitrag ansehen
November 03, 2023
/* Operations Hub Workshop 3: Workflow 2 Code This code is used to attribute a referral back to the correct contact. This is done by querying the CR...Beitrag ansehen
SteveJenns on März 06, 2017
I would like to set up field dependencies for Contact Properties, to ensure that my Sales/Marketing team are updating contact details correctly. For example, I would only want certain fields to be editable against a contact record if anoth Beitrag ansehen
317 Antworten
Oktober 05, 2023
Hi @rwebb1 ! Just a heads up on something my team noticed this morning... not sure if intentional or not. We have a condition set up that if ...Beitrag ansehen
chinhd on August 22, 2019
Hi there, I use Integromat connect to HubSpot to synchronized task. When I assigned to team member, Integromat required team member user ID. Integromat didn't accept team member name nor email. So, where I can find team member user ID? Many than Beitrag ansehen
6 Antworten
September 13, 2023
Ahhh we call our HubSpot token a hAPI key still, so it's my own confusion =P
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