
Member since ‎Aug 24, 2021
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Matthieu Dumont

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PSHarish on October 10, 2023
Hello all, We need All Activities to be synced between or auto association from contact to Deals and Companies; how to do this? Harish
1 upvote
8 Replies
July 25, 2024
Hi @karstenkoehler , i just uncovered that if you close a deal, the email activity will stop syncing to the deal. As we've got a stable business more
AEdström-Diem on May 03, 2024
It would be great to be able to filter available users with Conditional Options for a property. For example, maybe you have a Property called "Technician" and the type is "HubSpot Users" and you only want the users in team "Technicians" to be availa read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
June 13, 2024
YES! you're the best. I need this as well
JoshGadow on May 31, 2024
Current State: Currently, there is conditional logic which can be applied to pipelines of tickets on the ticket creation form. This allows you to add dependent properties when creating a ticket under a certain pipeline. Dream State: Add asso read more
June 12, 2024
YES YES YES I need that absolutely ! I need it cause i only want to enforce certain types of associations for specific pipelines but not all, more
jessio on May 30, 2018
I think it would be great to be able to schedule a recurring meeting with a contact. At the moment you can schedule meetings & integrate this with your calendar but you can't schedule it to happen every week, month etc, so you need to continue a read more
67 Replies
February 12, 2024
any updates on this? it's been four years!! and our reps still have to log their emails manually because of this !!!
BGrebe on January 24, 2023
We need the option to Build a Delay in Workflows that counts Business Days, not just Days. You have the option in manual creation of tasks, why not automation? This decreases the functionality of this Service a lot.
9 Replies
January 11, 2024
rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaah why do we have that option only for tasks! I just looked it up on google and i'm sure most people upvoting the first task more
The_Loop on November 08, 2017
I think it would be of great value to myself and others if we were able to create tables & bullet points in the Sales Tools Templates. Our business offers price breaks based on the order quantity and being able to put this in a table would be be read more
25 Replies
December 06, 2023
haha come on hubspot, can't believe the amount of complicated request but this seems like a basic you missed...
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