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Daniel Borg

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Romulus on September 04, 2024
We currently have around 10,000 contacts in our database and regularly send marketing emails to segmented groups. On average, our largest email campaigns have a 30% open rate, and adjusted a bit below 50%. However, like many of you, we face the chal Beitrag ansehen
Romulus on Mai 24, 2022
Hi, We have a lot of events that we invite people to via eventbrite. We have been sending out reminders for people who registered through Hubspot Marketing Email. I was thinking that this might both impact our marketing sending status negatively Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Mai 30, 2022
Thank you, I have another question about transactional email: Are onboarding emails always marketing email, or can the first one I send out after a c...Beitrag ansehen
Romulus on Mai 24, 2022
Hi, We have a lot of events that we invite people to via eventbrite. We have been sending out reminders for people who registered through Hubspot Marketing Email. I was thinking that this might both impact our marketing sending status negatively Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Mai 30, 2022
Thank you, I have another question about transactional email: Are onboarding emails always marketing email, or can the first one I send out after a c...Beitrag ansehen
Romulus on Mai 24, 2022
Hi, We have a lot of events that we invite people to via eventbrite. We have been sending out reminders for people who registered through Hubspot Marketing Email. I was thinking that this might both impact our marketing sending status negatively Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Mai 30, 2022
Thank you, I have another question about transactional email: Are onboarding emails always marketing email, or can the first one I send out after a c...Beitrag ansehen
ghogan711 on März 01, 2021
We have around 2,000 duplicate contact records in our system. I am going through them and merging each one into the primary contact record via the deduplication tool. I have been trying to find a property/object that updates for recently merged cont Beitrag ansehen
April 29, 2022
We also need this!
Peggy on Mai 04, 2018
Hi community/support-team, I have weird view in my contact. I see mails from other contacts in a thread. I guess it's because of the same mail subject!? We are using O365 and save mail as draft. Then I copy the mail and write it to a cust Beitrag ansehen
23 Antworten
März 23, 2022
we noticed this now - that mails we sent from Outlook with the Sales Tools add-in sometimes end up in the wrong contacts email thread. The accept...Beitrag ansehen
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