
Member since ‎Aug 20, 2021
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Burke Autrey

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kaburke on March 22, 2021
I am aware that we can add anchor links to CTAs as outlined here and that there is a solution of using the header ID and # in the inputted URL however for those that don't have code experience and do not want to use a CTA it would be great if we g read more
August 02, 2023
+1. We can add it on non-mobile to a button, works fine. It doesn't work at all on mobile. Tapping the button does nothing on mobile.
Latchy on July 17, 2018
I would like to see an enhancement that enable being able to capture inbound emails in HubSpot with an "Add Email" button, similar to what Salesforce already has in place for MS Outlook desktop and Office 360. The current Hubspot method to capture e read more
August 25, 2021
And not just Outlook. GMail too.
bigsis on February 06, 2017
Hi, I rely heavily on my Contacts List view in HubSpot. I need to be able to filter the list by which stage the associated deal is in, though. What I mean is I need to be able to see my contacts that have been sent a proposal or have I am waiting f read more
23 Replies
August 24, 2021
FYI... for all following this thread... this last suggestion with the List worked for me. I'm able to create a List that does all the filtering on more
stevenplapp on December 18, 2017
For any business generating sales from referrals, it is important to track who your referral sources are, by linking them to deals that they referred. Currently, there is no way to effectively link "referral sources" to deals. The current me read more
28 Replies
August 23, 2021
Yes, please add this. Many, many Hubspot customers need to track which Contact and/or Company referred a Deal to them. Either allow adding another more
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