
Member since ‎Jan 6, 2017
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Debbie Ferolito

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DebbieF on November 13, 2018
With the new UI change, we thought that the company website visits were in the companies subnav, which is under Contacts. However, it doesn't appear to be showing all of the companies that visited our site. Does anyone know where to find this data read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 13, 2018
It's been located. Now you have to go to reports, analytics tools, then prospects. I thought the new UI was supposed to make things easier to find? more
dan_sitton on May 29, 2018
Why does HubSpot no longer track pages visited on a company level in the Prospects tools? That was one of the most valuable parts of the Sales platform, and without that tool I am less likely to recommend Sales to one of our clients. I will send the read more
83 Replies
November 13, 2018
We do not have it integrated with HubSpot. It does show us which pages are visited by companies on a daily basis, but not contacts since we don't more
DebbieF on November 13, 2018
With the new UI change, we thought that the company website visits were in the companies subnav, which is under Contacts. However, it doesn't appear to be showing all of the companies that visited our site. Does anyone know where to find this data read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 13, 2018
It's been located. Now you have to go to reports, analytics tools, then prospects. I thought the new UI was supposed to make things easier to find? more
dan_sitton on May 29, 2018
Why does HubSpot no longer track pages visited on a company level in the Prospects tools? That was one of the most valuable parts of the Sales platform, and without that tool I am less likely to recommend Sales to one of our clients. I will send the read more
83 Replies
November 13, 2018
We do not have it integrated with HubSpot. It does show us which pages are visited by companies on a daily basis, but not contacts since we don't more
dan_sitton on May 29, 2018
Why does HubSpot no longer track pages visited on a company level in the Prospects tools? That was one of the most valuable parts of the Sales platform, and without that tool I am less likely to recommend Sales to one of our clients. I will send the read more
83 Replies
November 13, 2018
We do not have it integrated with HubSpot. It does show us which pages are visited by companies on a daily basis, but not contacts since we don't more
dan_sitton on May 29, 2018
Why does HubSpot no longer track pages visited on a company level in the Prospects tools? That was one of the most valuable parts of the Sales platform, and without that tool I am less likely to recommend Sales to one of our clients. I will send the read more
83 Replies
November 13, 2018
We do not have it integrated with HubSpot. It does show us which pages are visited by companies on a daily basis, but not contacts since we don't more
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