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Christina Gustovich

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JAmetller on September 19, 2021
Feature Request: When using LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration, be able to log LinkedIn messages into Hubspot, wether those are from a LinkedIn chat or LinkedIn Sales Navigator chat. The messages could be automatically logged-in with an automated Beitrag ansehen
71 Antworten
Mai 13, 2024
Upvoting on behalf of our sales team. The manual copy/pasting of messages from LI into HubSpot for tracking/record completeness adds significant ext...Beitrag ansehen
StephD13 on November 12, 2020
It would be so much more convenient to drag and drop files into attachement area for the contacts and deals (more in particular the deals). At the moment you have to save into a folder then upload and access the file from your computer folder. It w Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
Oktober 20, 2022
This would be great!
gharper on März 22, 2020
Today, for sales emails, there is no way to separate the open metrics for the contact from the opens of those CC'd on the email. All opens on an email will be attributed to the contact(s) the email was sent to. The only way to ensure the opens are f Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 20, 2022
We spoke with someone from HubSpot Support about this today which led us here. They noted that this isn't a functionality they plan to implement any...Beitrag ansehen
1975920 on Januar 11, 2017
Hello, Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
208 Antworten
März 11, 2022
Hope this gets attention as well. Very time consuming for our team members to work around not being able to easily switch signatures.
bhalferty on Juni 22, 2017
When hitting the text message icon on the HubSpot Ap, it takes you to your texting screen on your phone, which is great. I think it would be very valuable to automatically log that text into the CRM if you hit that icon button on your contact's page Beitrag ansehen
März 10, 2022
Nothing new to add regarding use case, but wanted to agree that it would be great to have an update on this. Our team would love to be able to text ...Beitrag ansehen
RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Antworten
Februar 17, 2022
Not sure if this has been mentioned (there are a lot of comments on this topic!) but this also ties strongly into how we have to track referrals. Be...Beitrag ansehen
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