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Alex Bril

At Cuex, I get to have the opportunity to create the ultimate experience with our great team by making technology work for our customers. We offer technical solutions to optimise digital customer contact. Without losing sight of human value. Smarter. Effective. Personal. CRM technology with a human approach. Attentive Technology as we call it.


buehlermary11 on September 01, 2020
You can only see 4 articles under a subcategory list, and to see the rest, you have to click a link that says see more. It would be nice if you could choose to show all so that the user does not have to expand the menu to see all the relevant articl Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Juni 04, 2024
Much needed!
AlexBril on Mai 28, 2024
Just like an existing 'Company domain name' will result in a notification that one already exists: I would presume the same would pop up for the 'Company name', but it's not unfortunately: Although I understand that there Beitrag ansehen
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Juni 03, 2024
Thanks @RBozeman for your suggestion. I have some use cases where this could help, thanks! I also have use cases, like this one, where the business...Beitrag ansehen
AlexBril on Mai 30, 2024
Ordering options on the assocations columns on all of the object index pages would help our clients big time. Now often clients create custom properties on a Deal level for example and copy/paste the objects associated company to so they can order Beitrag ansehen
AlexBril on Mai 28, 2024
Just like an existing 'Company domain name' will result in a notification that one already exists: I would presume the same would pop up for the 'Company name', but it's not unfortunately: Although I understand that there Beitrag ansehen
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Juni 03, 2024
Thanks @RBozeman for your suggestion. I have some use cases where this could help, thanks! I also have use cases, like this one, where the business...Beitrag ansehen
dickonstone on November 30, 2018
IMPORTANT: Not "Dependent Fields". Please see Gravity Forms' conditional logic functionality for example: At present, HubSpot "Dependent Fields" can serve new form fields based on a se Beitrag ansehen
78 Antworten
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Platinum Partner
Februar 22, 2024
Yes, need this! 🙌 Would love to be in the test group
AlexBril on Mai 16, 2023
Hi team, It would be great to have the 'Influenced revenue' value available under the Edit columns section. Thanks in advance!
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