
Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Membre depuis ‎août 15, 2021
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Yinon Shalev

Implementing the best sales processes, strategies, and technology is not just the easy way to get things done - it’s the RIGHT way. It keeps you informed and efficient so that you’re working better, not harder. Since joining ScaleOps, I've worked with B2B companies of all sizes and help my clients build and optimize their operational foundations so that they can GROW their business and INCREASE their revenues. Experienced in project management and research that combines critical-thinking, data analysis and processing, abstraction and factorization, as an Intelligence officer in the Research Division of IDF. I gain a broad understanding of a problem by looking at the bigger picture as well as the little details. Solution-focused, I aim to lead my team to implement the optimal solutions by giving accurate directions, lecturing and daily updates, as I had in IDF’s Implementation department i managed. I am also a constant reader of non-fiction books on issues such as political science, political theory, international relations and Oriental studies, seasoned hiker and a lover of running and fitness as well as home cooking and baking.


YinonShalev le Janvier 02, 2024
Hi, Is it possible to create in Hubspot a custom engagement type? Currently, Hubspot has notes, tasks, emails, calls, and meetings, and also recently they added SMS, LinkedIn messages, and WhatsApp messages. I want to create custom ones for Slack Lire la suite
Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Janvier 23, 2023
YinonShalev le Novembre 21, 2021
Hi, My suggestion: A new kind of trigger in workflows - received email with specific data. E.g, If a customer sends an email to the support email, or if the subject contains/does not contain a specific phrase etc. It sounds so basic Lire la suite
19 Mentions J'aime
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