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Member since ‎Nov 23, 2017
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Eliot Clutten

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HWang on April 05, 2021
If we can have feature export conversation /email templates under conversation templates that would be great! Thank you!
6 Replies
Member | Partner
November 08, 2021
...And Snippets please
Eliot on August 24, 2021
won and lost are switched depending upon which is larger. Support agent mentioned they are different colours - but they are the same for me - so really confusing when you switch the filtering and the won and lost bars switch position... - please le read more
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buywithvan on March 09, 2020
It would be very helpful to add all IP addresses to the Excluded Traffic list of any user that logs in to Hubspot. By the simple nature the user is logging in to Hubspot, this would imply he/she is internal on our team. We would like to block this read more
Member | Partner
February 10, 2021
Completely agree - there needs to be a solution to this - IP address change way to frequently - there is no way to keep the list clean and up to more
CelinTeo on September 25, 2018
The new multi-currency feature is wonderful, however, when importing products via CSV, the 'product price' column maps only to default set company currency. We need the ability to match multiple currency columns from the .csv import to additional c read more
5 Replies
Member | Partner
November 13, 2018
I just did this with feedback from the support team. Here are the column headers I used: Name,Product description,Product price,Cost of goods sold, more
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