
Member since ‎Aug 4, 2021
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Yohann Le Borgne

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TLang on December 12, 2023
Hi there, I have tried everyhing I can think of to make this workflow work: "A sales person is talking to a contact and the contact says they want a sample with thier logo on it. The sales person needs to communicate to our warehouse that a sa read more
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6 Replies
December 12, 2023
@TLang can you try the following setup: > Create a file upload property (I named mine "Sample - File upload") > Create a contact more
TLang on December 12, 2023
Hi there, I have tried everyhing I can think of to make this workflow work: "A sales person is talking to a contact and the contact says they want a sample with thier logo on it. The sales person needs to communicate to our warehouse that a sa read more
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6 Replies
December 12, 2023
@TLang can you try the following setup: > Create a file upload property (I named mine "Sample - File upload") > Create a contact more
NT_ on November 28, 2023
Hey everybody, I could use some help or advise to my upcomming problem with our slack workflow. Right now we have a single workflow that manage our slack channel and noticefy us, whenever a person sign ups though one of these: - Newsletter - Free read more
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2 Replies
November 28, 2023
Hello @NT_ , There are no good practice on the subject, you should go with what you feel the most comfortable with. A big workflow implies a lot more
shaebert on January 30, 2021
I was able to get a list of campaign (not email campaign) IDs (series of numbers), but how do I know which ID is which campaign in the UI?
November 28, 2023
Hello @shaebert , When you go to Marketing > Campaigns and then select your campaign, the HubSpot Campaign Id is the sequence after "campaigns/ more
DGanasan on November 21, 2023
Hi HubSpot, How can i easily check if my contact's company name is associated with the right company property? I want to compile a list of contacts with incorrect company association based on contact's company name and update accordingly.
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5 Replies
November 21, 2023
Hello @DGanasan , You want to check whether the company name property is similar to the company associated to the contact? Yohann
nit01 on November 13, 2023
Hi everyone, i want to create a module in the email marketing tool that contains all blogs. Can you guys help me? (keywords or variables in the email marketing). Thanks guys !!
November 14, 2023
Hey @nit01 , Can you give me more details please? Do you want to setup a Blog/RSS email? Yohann
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