
Member since ‎Aug 4, 2021
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Karen Fox

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KF1 on January 04, 2024
Hi, I have a workflow that triggers my sequences - the sequences are set to activate between 9 - 5 pm, but are sending at 2 am and other random times! I have set the sequence window to 9-5 pm but not the workflow as this rescheduled the sends read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 05, 2024
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to rely on long delays in the workflow - it's out of my control. If I set the activation window in the more
KF1 on January 04, 2024
Hi, I have a workflow that triggers my sequences - the sequences are set to activate between 9 - 5 pm, but are sending at 2 am and other random times! I have set the sequence window to 9-5 pm but not the workflow as this rescheduled the sends read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 05, 2024
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to rely on long delays in the workflow - it's out of my control. If I set the activation window in the more
KF1 on January 04, 2024
Hi, I have a workflow that triggers my sequences - the sequences are set to activate between 9 - 5 pm, but are sending at 2 am and other random times! I have set the sequence window to 9-5 pm but not the workflow as this rescheduled the sends read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
January 05, 2024
Thanks for the reply. I don't want to rely on long delays in the workflow - it's out of my control. If I set the activation window in the more
KF1 on November 02, 2022
Hi, I can't see a way to create a rolling report that shows when connected prospects haven't been contacted for 30 days. the filters give me all from 30 days to now. or I have to add a date which I would need to change every month for everyone in read more
KyleJepson on June 29, 2021
One of the best ways to learn inbound sales is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other sales professionals, just like you. That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of inbound sales professionals to learn and grow better read more
3009 Replies
August 04, 2021
Hi my name is Karen and I am a course advisor. A tactic to close more deals is to be responsive to the customer, ensuring the product meets their more
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