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Toni Buerki

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ToniCH on August 09, 2021
Hello Community We are using HubSpot and a Project Management Tool called Moco. We create all invoices in Moco. Moco and HubSpot can be connected via Zapier. I guess, it is not a big deal to get the Data from a Invoice out of Moco. But, wher do Beitrag ansehen
August 24, 2021
Hi Aakar Thank you for the Idea. We will check it out middle of October. Until then, i do not find the time to do that. But i will let you know!
ToniCH on August 09, 2021
Hello Community We are using HubSpot and a Project Management Tool called Moco. We create all invoices in Moco. Moco and HubSpot can be connected via Zapier. I guess, it is not a big deal to get the Data from a Invoice out of Moco. But, wher do Beitrag ansehen
August 24, 2021
Hi Aakar Thank you for the Idea. We will check it out middle of October. Until then, i do not find the time to do that. But i will let you know!
kcgarvin on Oktober 05, 2020
Would be helpful to be able to filter the date ranges on the forecast feature in a custom range. For instance, we run on a fiscal year July1- June 30. And now, as it stands we can not forecast on this date range.
64 Antworten
August 06, 2021
Thank you KEssop The ability to define the fiscal year is a step in the right direction. What I miss, however, is the possibility to deposit a budge...Beitrag ansehen
kcgarvin on Oktober 05, 2020
Would be helpful to be able to filter the date ranges on the forecast feature in a custom range. For instance, we run on a fiscal year July1- June 30. And now, as it stands we can not forecast on this date range.
64 Antworten
August 06, 2021
Thank you KEssop The ability to define the fiscal year is a step in the right direction. What I miss, however, is the possibility to deposit a budge...Beitrag ansehen
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