
Member since ‎Nov 22, 2017
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João Pedro Macedo

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jpmacedo on September 13, 2021
Recentemente fizemos upgrade para o Sales Enterprise, e umas das funcionalidades que buscamos era a transcrição de chamadas gravadas no CRM. Mas descobrimos agora que essas transcrições não podem ser exportadas, nem mesmo via API. Seria bem útil par read more
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jpmacedo on September 08, 2021
@lalexander I couldn't access this link, is that idea still available? we have over 600 users and allowing them to merge objects has a huge impact for us...
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February 18, 2021
I also have a lot of use cases for this function, the one that @Bob2245 said is also a great one that we have here too, but here's another one: more
December 23, 2020
Aqui temos diversos usos pra ferramenta de reuniões. - Existe um link disponível em nosso site, do tipo revezamento, que os leads podem agendar more
December 23, 2020
I need this a lot too, in my case, i need to copy a property from the parent to child company that tells my support team how they should attend more
August 28, 2020
Is there any update on that subject? Is been 2 years now and this is still a problem. I need to copy a company property (industry) to each deal more
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