
Member since ‎Aug 2, 2021
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Dylan Fuller

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NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
351 Replies
August 15, 2024
@ADerbyshire Apparently they have closed the beta for now, even as a paying customer with all Enterprise hubs I was given this response from more
egp19 on May 29, 2020
Now that we can create custom properties for Products, can we enable calculated properties for Products? Without this basic feature, our products have quantitative properties that we have to manually calculate before adding to HubSpot. This creates read more
75 Replies
March 12, 2024
Yes agreed with @Mike_ it is so strange products/line items aren't treated like any other objects. Even workflows have since become an object more
InmaIID on February 23, 2022
While testing the forecast submission, and then when we tried to delete the test is not possible. It has been confirmed by support team in ticket #9412383. It will be great to be able to delete tests as you can delete deals, accounts or contacts. T read more
7 Replies
June 20, 2023
Having the same issue here that a ticket also sent me to. This seem more of a break in the feature that needs to be fixed rather than sending paying more
DFuller on May 26, 2023
The new clone item update released May 19, 2023 clones everything except the SKU, and when cloned you can't edit the SKU either as it says to do that at the product level. This essentially makes the clone feature useless and serves no purpose if read more
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egp19 on May 29, 2020
Now that we can create custom properties for Products, can we enable calculated properties for Products? Without this basic feature, our products have quantitative properties that we have to manually calculate before adding to HubSpot. This creates read more
75 Replies
March 12, 2024
Yes agreed with @Mike_ it is so strange products/line items aren't treated like any other objects. Even workflows have since become an object more
BenettB on November 19, 2020
Our company uses your workflows HEAVILY, but we are constantly having to work around one major limitation: The workflows can only change properties on one type of HubSpot object. For example, if you start a ticket-based workflow, you can only change read more
47 Replies
March 01, 2023
Following the thread to learn more and be included in the private beta. Was referred over from another workflow idea thread.
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