
Mitglied seit ‎Jul 30, 2021
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Sandra Hungate

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alivia on Februar 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con Beitrag ansehen
März 28, 2022
Hi @hubspot team! Are there any updates on this? I would also really need this option to add offline sources to the campaign report. Thanks
SHungate on Dezember 15, 2021
Hi Hubspot team, Our customer care team finds that the email address aren't populating very fast compared to other platforms, neither in the contact search by entering an email, neither in the sender email when writing an email. It seems that we Beitrag ansehen
MMT on September 13, 2021
YouTube is essential tool for many marketing professional and companies. PROBLEM HubSpot do NOT allow integration with YouTube unless have "Enterprise Plan". This seems rediculous, especially if users have Marketing Professional Plan or ot Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 15, 2021
Yes please!!! We really need YouTube integration because YouTube is our main social media channel. Thanks
Dukester on November 27, 2019
There are folders to organize lists, but no folders to organize campaigns. I am just getting started with hubspot, but already see this as becoming a problem once we have hundreds of campaigns running side-by-side. Also, with multiple users, this w Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
Juli 30, 2021
I could really use some campaign folders!! Great idea!!
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