
Mitglied seit ‎Jul 30, 2021
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Brittney Fuller

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BFuller on November 18, 2022
I would LOVE to see a feature in the reports (not dashboard), where you can actually filter based on the properties used in the reports . This would make it exponentially easier as properties grow/change to ensure we have made the correct c Beitrag ansehen
FernandoElias on November 18, 2020
It'll be great to have this functionallity so we can have more powerful insights within HubSpot.
155 Antworten
August 19, 2022
This is definitely a pain point that I would hope is resolved pretty soon. At least something basic enough to measure conversion on a dashboard.
SRoberts on September 23, 2021
It would be great if you could choose which line item properties were editible after creation. We have a reporting system outside of HubSpot which relies on our line item names matching up with those in the reports. We have switched off the abil Beitrag ansehen
30 Antworten
Juli 19, 2022
@matheusjiran good point! I have been thinking the same for a while. When something is closed (won or lost) there should only be super admi...Beitrag ansehen
hannahflat on Mai 06, 2021
Right now if you want to merge company records and any of those are set as either a parent or child record, you have to first remove that relationship before you can merge them. When they are related to 1 or 2 companies that isn't too much of a Beitrag ansehen
34 Antworten
Juli 15, 2022
I agree that not having this feature almost seems like a bug. Merging is a part of data hygiene, and that needs to occur regardless of any parent/chi...Beitrag ansehen
abbyghattas on Dezember 31, 2019
I would like to be able to automate a workflow when a playbook is saved to a contact or a deal. For example, if I use a playbook to help sales walk through a purchase order or lead submission to another department, I would like to be able to automat Beitrag ansehen
44 Antworten
Juli 06, 2022
Agree with this! I would also like to be able to automate other objects through a Playbook workflow. For example, have a company workflow created, an...Beitrag ansehen
BFuller on Juni 27, 2022
I personally live in HubSpot, and woudl like to open the floor for reporting formatting suggestions. Most of my community posts/comments/upvotes are on roadblocks, but this is more what I would really love to see to help optimize the platform in Beitrag ansehen
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