
Member since ‎Jul 30, 2021
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Shannon Dunn

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pingle on July 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p read more
141 Replies
August 29, 2023
I was trying to do something similar. A vendor gave me the code at the front of this thread but it did not work. The browser did not like the " more
lloydsilver on April 03, 2017
I need to embed a HS form on an external (not CoS) website. And when the user submits the form, the redirect URL needs to include form fields as parameters. Is this possible? We figured out a way of doing this on a CoS landing page using a nativ read more
46 Replies
August 29, 2023
This absolutely was a great solution for me. I was trying to redirect to different thank you pages based on a <select> choice but the browser more
juusui on September 14, 2021
We're using our WordPress website for landing pages and thank you pages. We embed the form on the WP landing page and redirect to another WP thank you page after form submission. We have multiple pages that collect the same info so we would like read more
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3 Replies
September 14, 2021
This is exactly what I need. Thank you.
juusui on September 14, 2021
We're using our WordPress website for landing pages and thank you pages. We embed the form on the WP landing page and redirect to another WP thank you page after form submission. We have multiple pages that collect the same info so we would like read more
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3 Replies
September 14, 2021
This is exactly what I need. Thank you.
juusui on July 30, 2021
We have a weekly live webinar that happens at the same time each week - Wednesday at 10am Pacfiic time. We want to create a sign up form that provides the option of choosing an attendance time within a four week period. The challenge is creating a f read more
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