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Jean Caragher

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Champion on Juli 11, 2021
To create lasting relationships and to build trust you have to listen to, serve, and follow up with your customers; it’s the best way to learn how to provide the best, personalized experience. Keeping this in mind, what can your business do as a fo Beitrag ansehen
215 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
August 21, 2021
I am a marketing consultant who works in the professional services space. I'm selling services, not products. I can delight my customers by sending f...Beitrag ansehen
Champion on Juli 11, 2021
Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with your prospects with the goal of earning their business when they’re ready. In practice, lead nurturing is a marketing effort focused on engaging with your leads and customers in a way that Beitrag ansehen
270 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
August 21, 2021
I saw an ad for a product on Facebook. I clicked the link to learn more, read about the product description and promise, and - much to my surprise - ...Beitrag ansehen
Champion on Juli 11, 2021
A conversion is defined as a moment when a website visitor takes the desired action. Ideally, this will occur throughout the visitor’s lifecycle to becoming a customer. Keeping this in mind, what does a conversion path look like on your website? C Beitrag ansehen
236 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
August 21, 2021
I have several offers for ebooks. I use email, social posts, and CTA buttons on other website pages to drive traffic to the landing page. The landing...Beitrag ansehen
Champion on Juli 11, 2021
Every conversation has a defined start, middle, and end. When you’re using that interaction to qualify a lead, there are specific pieces of information that you’ll need to make the most out of that interaction. Much like a conversation that happens Beitrag ansehen
291 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
August 20, 2021
I haven't yet used bots or chatflows. The conversations I have with my audience are telephone, email, and responses to social media posts.
Champion on Juli 11, 2021
Social media is, in many ways, the ultimate way to do inbound marketing. That’s because it’s a one-to-one medium, which gives you and your company the chance to market in a direct, but very human way. Keeping the above in mind, which social channel Beitrag ansehen
427 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
August 20, 2021
I am a marketing consultant to the accounting profession. The most important social media channel is LinkedIn because it is the most business-like. ...Beitrag ansehen
JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
On a past thread, we discussed some of the ways that workflows can trigger your team internally. You can use them to automate data clean up or to trigger notifications to your sales team. Now, let’s discuss ways you can use workflows to Beitrag ansehen
602 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Partner
Juli 30, 2021
I use workflows for lead nurturing, following up with those who download an ebook or register for a webinar.
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