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blugn on August 17, 2018
I would simply like a way to report on who and when someone created a deal. I would like to see a graph or chart that can be refined by month, deal type, and deal creator. This would make reporting and managing the progress of business development r Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 14, 2021
We need this feature!
CParmenter on Juni 10, 2021
Associating logged calls/emails to other contacts, conpanys and deals used to be very easy. The association function was right there above the infomation. It seems a very poor 'update' that this has now been moved so you have to click a little arr Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 05, 2021
@cstaffordlena HS support encouraged me to post about it being moved to the bottom so that the team can see it get traction and understand it is a ...Beitrag ansehen
DY on August 05, 2021
The Association function used to be at the top of each Activity in the feed on each record. It was recently moved to the bottom of each Activity. It is terribly inconvenient to have it at the bottom and have to expand each Activity thread to access Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
CParmenter on Juni 10, 2021
Associating logged calls/emails to other contacts, conpanys and deals used to be very easy. The association function was right there above the infomation. It seems a very poor 'update' that this has now been moved so you have to click a little arr Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
August 05, 2021
@cstaffordlena HS support encouraged me to post about it being moved to the bottom so that the team can see it get traction and understand it is a ...Beitrag ansehen
lucasschiltz on August 08, 2019
When a sequence ends, I would like to group together & export the contacts by their "status" so I can have data around who responded and who didn't. There needs to be a filter in "Contacts" that includes the status of a sequence (Enrolled, no re Beitrag ansehen
Mai 10, 2021
This is a much-needed feature and seems like it should be a basic feature in a CRM. Would love to see it added.
caroline-thrm on November 30, 2018
Other calendar tools I've used have allowed you to clone your own (or your colleagues') meeting links in order to create similar or identical links that might have different names or slightly different details, but everything else is the same. F Beitrag ansehen
78 Antworten
Februar 13, 2021
Agreed! This is a basic function that is often needed and would save your customers a lot of hassle and time.
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