
HubSpot Moderator
Member since ‎Jul 28, 2021
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HubSpot Moderator
August 28, 2023
Hello @IKuo1 , Since your score was higher than the required score to pass the exam, I suggest collecting a .HAR file ( Here are instructions more
HubSpot Moderator
August 28, 2023
Hello @dhejl ! Our native integration doen't support bots yet. However, you can send approved templates via wokrflow to your contacts. Please more
HubSpot Moderator
August 28, 2023
Hello @JRoven ! I suggest collecting a .Har File when installing the app (steps here ) and that should give you more details on what is going on. more
HubSpot Moderator
August 22, 2023
Hey @BradDRS , You could could set up a webhook to retrieve this data. Also, if you don't want to make a Public App, you can use the Private more
HubSpot Moderator
August 18, 2023
Olá @CludeSaúde , tudo bem? 😄 We documented here that our mapping rules will only take in consideration contact properties. That said, the more
HubSpot Moderator
August 15, 2023
Helo OumaimaErradi! You will need to update your Name on the User Preferences page ( more
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